Unraveling Injustice: Understanding the Role of an Injury Lawyer

A person who has suffered an injury due to the fault or negligence of another can hire a lawyer to represent them. A common type of personal injury case involves a car accident, but there are many others, including medical malpractice and slip and fall accidents. An injury lawyer can help victims understand their legal rights and file a claim for compensation.

A skilled and experienced injury lawyer will be familiar with the types of damages that can be awarded in a personal injury lawsuit. For example, in a car accident case, a victim may be entitled to compensation for past and future medical bills, lost wages, property damage and pain and suffering. In a wrongful death case, compensation can also be awarded for funeral expenses and loss of companionship.

The injury lawyer’s job is to perform a detailed liability analysis of the case and identify all parties that may be liable for compensating the injured victim. In some cases, this may be a fairly straightforward process, but in other cases, it can require extensive research and review of case law, statutes, and common law.

After a thorough review of the evidence and applicable laws, the injury lawyer will negotiate with the insurance companies involved in the case. In most personal injury cases, the injury lawyer will try to reach a settlement. However, if the insurance company refuses to offer a fair amount for the claim, then the injury attorney will file a lawsuit.

During the negotiation process, the injury attorney will present facts and arguments that push the insurance company to accept a higher settlement offer. For example, if an insurer reduces your back injury claim because it believes your injuries were preexisting, your lawyer could provide medical records and a letter from a doctor to prove that the accident caused the injury.

An injury lawyer will also assist with filing social security disability claims. These are complex cases that can take a long time to process. The lawyer can ensure that all paperwork is filled out correctly and filed on time to increase the chances of approval. They can also help navigate the appeals process if you are denied.

When choosing an injury lawyer, it’s important to consider their experience and how they treat clients. Make sure to ask about fees and how they are calculated. You should be comfortable with your attorney and feel like they have your best interests at heart. Moreover, an injury lawyer will work on a contingency basis, meaning they will only get paid if they win the case. This will give you peace of mind that the injury lawyer has your best interest at heart. Unlike some attorneys who have dollar signs in their eyes, the right injury lawyer will fight for the best possible outcome in your case. For more information on injury lawyers, contact us today.